Welcome, Vision, Aims and Ethos

Principal's WelcomeBrendan Waldron, Principal.jpg

Welcome and thank you for taking the time to visit our website. Coláiste Chiaráin is a Catholic Voluntary Secondary School located in Athlone in the centre of Ireland. Our school is under the trusteeship of the Diocese of Elphin and we welcome students from every background and faith community. We were created in 2017 from the amalgamation of St Joseph’s College and St Aloysius College.

We are inclusive in our intake and offer a wide range of subjects at Junior and Senior Cycle. We are aiming to create a broad and balanced curriculum which endeavours to meet the needs of our diverse cohort of students. The school currently offers the Junior Certificate, Transition Year (TY) programme, the Leaving Certificate, and the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP).

We have a superb, dedicated, enthusiastic teaching team where the focus is always on the holistic development of every student to reach to their potential. Our staff aim to provide a supportive and nurturing environment where every student is encouraged to achieve their potential. Regular reports, careful monitoring and an awards system are all part of the culture that encourages each student to achieve their personal best. In addition, students participate in a wide variety of co-curricular and extracurricular activities.

Enjoy browsing our website and if you need further information on any aspect of the school, please feel free to contact us.

Mr Brendan Waldron
Principal, Coláiste Chiaráin

A Message from the Bishop of ElphinBishop Doran.jpg

October 22nd 2020

In a year when so many thing proved not to be possible, I am delighted that the new school building at Coláiste Chiaráin was completed and formally handed over in time for the opening of the new academic year. Much credit is due to the Mr. Brendan Waldron and his management team, to JJRhattigan’s who built the school and to the design team put in place by the Department of Education and Skills.

The College builds on the spiritual and educational tradition of Clonmacnoise, where St. Ciarán had his monastery. The buildings are quite different, of course, but one thing the new Coláiste Chiaráin has in common with Clonmacnoise is space and light. This creates an atmosphere in which students and staff alike can work together without the experience of being “boxed in”, which is so often associated with large institutions. This year in particular, the added space makes it possible for the College to function effectively and safely.

Since the decision was taken to establish Coláiste Chiaráin, just four years ago, the College has been guided by dedicated a Board of Management, comprising parents, teachers and members of the wider community, and Chaired by Mr. Frank Smith. Now that they have completed their term of office, I want to publicly acknowledge the tremendous work that they did together over those four years, working closely with staff and students and with our own Diocesan Education Secretariat. I am very grateful also to those who have now agreed to serve on the new Board and they include some members of the original Board who have agreed to serve for another term. This allows for a certain continuity of vision. I have appointed Mr. Seamus O’Brien to chair the new Board. Seamus has extensive experience as a teacher and school principal and also in teacher-education.

The year 2020 has been very challenging for everybody in our society. Relationships have been put on hold; projects of all kinds have been cancelled or deferred. I am very happy that, in the midst of all this, our schools are open and I am conscious this would not be possible without the hard work and adaptability of our teachers and the generous buy-in from the students themselves. We still have much to learn in our society about taking responsibility for one another and I hope that, by word and example, Coláiste Chiaráin can contribute to that essential learning.

Christians are called to be people of Hope. The motto of the Diocese of Elphin is Dominus Spes Mea (My hope is in the Lord). Hope is not just wishful thinking; it is a Christian virtue. It is rooted in our conviction that God always walks with us, especially in times of challenge and difficulty, and that his love is never taken back. Alongside all the many practical things that our students learn in the course of their years in Coláiste Chiaráin, it is an integral part of the mission of the College that young people would be helped to develop that virtue of Christian Hope which will sustain them through life and give them confidence to bring the love of God into every situation in which they live, work and relax.

With every blessing

Kevin Doran, Bishop of Elphin

Mission Statement

Coláiste Chiaráin provides an educational setting in which the person is encouraged to grow at every level – personally, academically, spiritually, socially and culturally. Coláiste Chiaráin is a Voluntary Catholic Secondary School under the trusteeship of the Diocese of Elphin.

In partnership with parents, the College strives to educate their children in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ and his Church. It aims to foster students’ spiritual, moral, intellectual, physical and creative development and thereby develop their full potential.

Coláiste Chiaráin, Athlone will endeavor to:
  • Provide students with a Catholic education that has a sound spiritual, faith, academic and practical content.
  • Nourish the building up of a personal relationship with God according to Catholic wisdom as lived out in the community of the church.
  • Respect and facilitate the spiritual/human development of students from all religious traditions or faith stances.
  • Assist students to reach their full potential by encouraging the talents and gifts unique to each one.
  • Develop a sense of self-respect and responsibility among students for themselves and for those whom they can serve, and to foster a sense of community within the school.
  • Foster an environment which enables staff and students to promote quality teaching and learning in an atmosphere which is enriching for everybody.
  • Inspire students to respect and love their cultural and religious heritage and develop as responsible citizens.
    Encourage students to be creative in their use of leisure through the extra-curricular activities offered.

John Paul II awards.JPG

Feb 04
Mocks 3rd & 6th Years
Feb 15
Mid Term Break
Feb 27
5th Yr Parent Teacher Meeting
Mar 06
TY Parent Teacher Meeting
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Summerhill, Athlone, Co. Roscommon, N37 AH97.
090 649 2383
Elphin Diocesan
© 2025 Coláiste Chiaráin